Industry Experience

Türkiye is one of the rare countries that blend technology, design, art, and experience together in the leather and shoe products industry.  The sector, which has a history of more than 500 years, is continuously developing in a way that will increase its share in the global market.

Trendsetting Production

With their historical origins and production facilities equipped with moder technology, İstanbul Shoe Point Brands have raw materials of excellent quality and high-end production processes. Besides having enhanced supply chains and fashionable designing capabilities, they offer flexible production mechanisms and rapid delivery.

High Standards

Footwear and Footwear Sub-Industry companies throughout Türkiye place great importance on social compliance as well as high and flexible production capacity for almost all product groups. The amount of certified companies is increasing and eco-friendly production is becoming the basic motto of the sector.

Ageless Designs

Brands that promote design and young designers are brought together with actors of the sector, who invest in their workforce and technology for value-added production.

The production capability and added -value are strengthened by closely following the latest trends in design, fashion and technology.

Accessible Facilities

The Istanbul Shoe Point brands have a huge advantage in terms of logistics thanks to Türkiye’s geographical location and strategic network as well as its accessible, flexible and fast production capability. While integrated facilities allow for high quantities of production, SME firms are able to produce and deliver small-scale orders quickly through their flexible production mechanisms. Moreover, they can perform fast and carry out boutique production according to customer demand.

Right Pricing Strategy

Members of Istanbul Shoe Point Footwear and The Footwear Sub Industry Sectors offer valuable production and design capabilities that enable export of high quality products for fair prices.